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Start of the season by Antonia

Start of the season by Antonia

Start of the season by Antonia

2019 started very windy, cold and wet. March 16th -17th I played the 7. RennbahnPark Open in Neuss. Beside the weather, I can say, that I had a solid start into this season. The course was long (21 holes) and we played two full round each Saturday and Sunday. After three rather good round, the cold, wind and rain got the best of me in the last round. I think I was just exhausted from the 5 rounds (incl. practice and doubles round), so I lost my focus. Good thing, that I have build up a solid lead, so I still finished 1st.

The best thing about starting a tournament in this condition, after changing main parts of the bag, is, that I now know all my disc way better than before.

Who knows me on the course, knows that I rarely throw midranges. That kind of changed after Neuss. I find myself going to the Anchore much more, since that tournament. I learned to trust it and I am sure it is staying in my bag for quite a while now. I also fell in love with my new putters (Shields in BT soft), which keep the grip even in the rain.

After Neuss, I had some weeks of, until last weekend. I used the perfect weather (partly up to 20°C) for some practice rounds and field work.

April 12th, I went to the Roderbruch Open II in Hannover. It was a „small“ one day event, where we played three rounds each 15 holes. The first two rounds were played without a break. The snow and hail at 4°C did not help, so the „first“ 30 holes were quite though. It did not feel like good golf to me, but at the end, I managed to end up in first, again. Hugh shout out to Maike Janiesch for giving me such a strong fight.

In between my tournaments, working and practicing, I started to give weekly disc golf lessons each Monday evening for the next 12 weeks. The course just started, but it has already been quite some fun. It might even become a regular thing.


Last weekend I played the Dutch Open, the first stop of the Euro Tour 2019. The weather was perfect, low wind with sunshine at 25°C. My start was okay, second and third round were quite good. As 2016 I finished in 3rd place (tied with Tabea Wallus), this time behind Kristin Tattar and Maris Perendi, who played well above their rating the hole tournament.

I hope to keep my game on a high level, like the last weeks. Putting usually is a strong part of my game, but it has not been so much in the last tournaments. My drives have been on point though. Hope it comes all together, soon.

Next stop is my home course Potsdam with the Luna Cup and then I will be back on the Tour, playing Kokkedal Open and Tyyni and hopefully the Worlds.

By the way, I am trying to raise some money for my trip to the World Championships in Peoria, this August. If you like to help me visit I am grateful for every Euro or Dollar! Fundraising is open until May 14th. Thanks to everyone and see hopefully you on the courses around the world.


Antonia Faber

Team Natural Born Disc Golfer