Tyyni-pääkilpailun osallistumisoikeudet myynnissä nyt Early Bird -hintaan!

Legal Information

Guess what? Our English page is under progress.

Your legal rights are important to us, but right now you have two options to know more:

Option A)

Learn finnish: https://www.finnishpod101.com/

Likely, you will find it too hard, so you should try Option B) 

Use Google translate: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fi&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fnbdg.fi%2Fpages%2Flegal-shit

Briefly in English:

You are safe when dealing with us. We do business in good manners and respect to our most important assets, you.

We treat your personal information with respect and transparent (GDPR).