Tyyni-pääkilpailun osallistumismaksu normaalihintaan vain 3.3.2025 klo 22:00 asti!
Mikko Wikman promoted as a Partner and Co-owner of the company

Mikko Wikman promoted as a Partner and Co-owner of the company

Mikko Wikman promoted as a Partner and Co-owner of the company

Since the early days of NBDG, one of the key persons in our company has been Mikko Wikman. Wikman came into NBDG as a part-time employee, working around events and course designing. Year by year he has been able to grow the NBDG Events department first by creating inner infrastructure, concepts, and NBDG way of working and hosting events growing it to the point where NBDG Events is the pioneer and standard setting event organizer in the disc golf world.

2022 is a remarkable year in our company's history and there will be a lot of exciting news in many ways but on top of all is the promotion of Mikko Wikman as partner and co-owner of the company. 

Wikman continues his work on running the European Pro Tour, managing the NBDG Events department, running NBDG:s Human Resources, and holding his position as president of the Board of Company.

With the promotion, NBDG can expand the knowledge and responsibilities of the management and open more doors for future development. This promotion is also a part of the long-term strategy on strengthening the Events department together with the Media services.

Mikko Wikman - Co-Owner of NBDG


NBDG (current official business name Alarauta Oy) has been a family-owned business until now. This new arrangement keeps the ownership in the family, Disc Golf family. As our employees are what NBDG is, this is also one of the methods we want to reward our key persons for great work. We expect that this promotion will not be the only one in NBDG:s story. Our mission is to fulfill dreams and create experiences both on the course and off the course. Every disc golf enthusiasts dream is to work on disc golf and we do our best to create as many jobs around disc golf as possible.

Congratulations to Mikko Wikman on my own behalf and thank you for all of the great work you have done for disc golf on behalf of all of the Disc Golf community in Finland and in Europe.

Juha Kytö
CEO and Co-Owner
NBDG / Alarauta Oy

Juha Kytö and Mikko Wikman ending the Award Ceremony at Tyyni 2021