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NBDG Junior Program was a success. Program extended for 2020

NBDG Junior Program was a success. Program extended for 2020

NBDG Junior Program was a success. Program extended for 2020

In spring 2019 we launched NBDG Junior Program. A piloting project where we offered free entry to junior players in our NBDG events.

During the year 2019, there were over 250 entrees in Junior divisions, which proved this program was a successful pilot. We even had single events where there were almost 20 juniors playing at the same junior division.

We also noticed that many clubs took our initiative in use on their own divisions, and the movement of growing the junior count in our sport expanded rapidly. 


Juniors under 18 podium at NBDG Amateurs Sahanmäki 6.12.



Based on the experience this year, we will extend the program for 2020 and offering a free entry to all junior divisions in our NBDG events.

Our goal is to have over 160 events in Finland and all over Europe, where junior divisions are free of charge.

Read more about the NBDG Junior Program: